6 Months weight loss journey

At the beginning of 2023, in the hype of resolutions and in search of purposeful endeavor, we thought it would be a good idea to set out on a journey to lose 6kg’s each within 6 months. It seemed like a good challenge for us and a great feat if we succeed. Little did we know what a grueling adventure it would be, as it tested our commitment, patience and resilience….in fact it tested everything we had. But we feel that it was worth the time and effort.

On the 6 months weight loss journey, we followed a formal and structured approach to losing weight, we logged and blogged every stage of the process. At the end of the 6 months, Tshepi lost the 6kg as planned whilst Kat came-in a bit short of the target. The process we followed is one of the many approaches to tackle weight loss, it is suitable if a person intends to lose weight quickly but we feel that it can be hard to sustain(…well, it was not sustainable for us), but it is another way to lose weight.

Each week for 6 months we logged how the week went, what we learned and what we planned for the next week. The blogs are full of insight, intrigue, a rainbow of emotions and even laughter to an extent, but most importantly this is real. Check out the journey below for yourself and let us know what you think of the journey.

6-Months Journey introduction

WEEK 1: Setting Targets

WEEK 2: Tracking progress

WEEK 3: Mindset

WEEK 4: Food preparation

WEEK 5: 1st Month progress tracking

WEEK 6: Celebrating small wins

WEEK 7: Expectations

WEEK 8: Counting Calories

WEEK 9: 2nd Month progress tracking

WEEK 10: Self-Control

WEEK 11: Going against the grain

WEEK 12: Motivation

WEEK 13: 3rd Month progress tracking

WEEK 14: Failure

WEEK 15: Sacrifice

WEEK 16: Patience

WEEK 17: Hitting a plateau

WEEK 18: 4th Month Progress Tracking

WEEK 19: Perseverance

WEEK 20: Making it a lifestyle

WEEK 21: Sustainability

WEEK 22: 5th Month progress tracking

WEEK 23: When life happens

WEEK 25: Essence of the journey

WEEK 24: Journey fatigue

WEEK 26: 6th Month Progress tracking

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